Saturday, August 8, 2009

Two Things in Your Home Can Reduce Swine Flu Infection by 30%

You may be getting concerned at the news of the swine flu virus spreading rapidly throughout the country. There have been around 280 confirmed cases of swine flu in India as of 17th July.

It is important to understand how swine flu or for that matter any flu spreads. Contrary to the popular belief, swine flu is not air borne. The two main ways it spreads: first if someone who's infected sneezes or coughs and you come in contact with the virus in the air. The other is if you touch an object which may have have the virus and you touch your eyes, mouth or nose.

It's common for people to touch their nose, eyes and mouth. Most of these actions are sub-conscious like licking your tongue for flipping pages of a book or a magazine. As soon as you feel an itch you immediately rub or scratch your eyes.

Remember the virus can be anywhere - a door knob, a remote control, phones, computer keyboards, etc. The idea is not to get paranoid and stop using them. A simple task can protect you from infection.

Two things in your home - soap and water can reduce the chance of infection by 30%. All you need to do is keep washing your hand with soap and water frequently. And most importantly, stop touching your face. Make it a conscious effort to observe and stop. Another side effect of not touching your face too often - your skin looks better!

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